Heritage partners

Heritage partners

We are extremely grateful to the following families, libraries, archives, schools, colleges, universities, historians, heritage sites and institutions that have supported this project through hosting visits and workshops and helping us with our research:

  • Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Trust and Archive
  • Alan Kwan
  • Alessandro Leoncini, Head of Archives, University of Siena
  • Ashbridge-Thomlinson family
  • Bodleian Libraries, Special Collections
  • Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham
  • Carie Hutchins
  • Cheshire Archives
  • Clare Button, Archivist, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Professor Clare Downham, Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool
  • Cumbria Archives
  • Egerton Primary School, Cheshire
  • Frederick Kramer’s descendants
  • Friends of Lancaster City Museum
  • Geoff Taylor, South Holland Heritage
  • Dr Gillian Bartlett, Barltett Cultural Connections
  • Greater Manchester County Record Office
  • Greater Manchester Police Museum & Archives
  • Helen Labonte
  • Professor Hella Eckhart, Head of Department of Archaeology, University of Reading
  • Historic England
  • Ian Tyler, Cumbrian author and mine historian
  • Kathleen Wood
  • Kathy Callaghan, family historian
  • Labour History Archive
  • Lancashire Archives
  • Lancaster City Museums
  • Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School
  • Lancaster Heritage Network
  • Lancaster Library
  • Lancaster University History Department: Professor Sarah Barber, Dr Eleri Cousins, Dr Chris Donaldson, Professor Fiona Edmonds, Dr Nicholas Radburn
  • Laurence Westgaph, historian
  • Lawrence Gregory, Senior Archivist, National Institute for Newman Studies
  • Liverpool Records Office
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Louise Bruton, Archivist, Canal & River Trust
  • Manchester Jewish Museum
  • Manx National Heritage Library & Archives
  • Margaret Lynch, medievalist
  • Mark Craig, New Ferry Residents Association
  • Professor Mike Winstanley, historian
  • Moorside Primary School, Lancaster
  • Nantwich Museum
  • National Waterways Museum
  • Peter Devoti, Granelli’s Ice Cream
  • Sheffield City Archives
  • Simon Martinez, Basque Children of ‘37 Association
  • Dr Steven Kreis, American Public University
  • Stonyhurst Archives
  • Sue Ashworth, Blackpool Museum Project
  • The Blue Coat School, Liverpool
  • The Derby High School, Bury
  • The Unitarian Society
  • Dr Tim Corbett, historian and translator
  • St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Penrith
  • Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery
  • Ullswater Community College
  • Vanessa Wester, family historian and author
  • Working Class Movement Library
  • Xaverian College, Manchester